Module settings

How to configure a VSCode-Anywhere module

All VSCode-Anywhere modules can be configured to override the default installation behavior, add new settings, VSCode plugins, documentation, pakages, etc…

To configure a module, you need to edit the file VSCode-Anywhere/conf/saltstack/pillar/vscode-anywhere.sls.

Each module is disabled by default and supports additional global and specific settings.

To enable a module, please read the module installation.

There are 2 types of settings: global settings or specific settings.

Glocal settings can be applied to all modules whereas specific settings depend on each module.

Please read the documentation of the module concerned in order to know if it supports specific settings like python3 for example (pip settings in this example):

    enabled: True
    anaconda: True
                enabled: True
                version: '1.4.3'

After editing the configuration file, don’t forget to apply the new settings. You need to run the install file.

Note that vscode-anywhere.sls file supports jinja2. See the jinja Saltsatck documentation.

Same example with jinja that allows to install autopep8 only on Linux:

    enabled: True
    anaconda: True
{%- if grains['os'] == 'Linux' %}
                enabled: True
                version: '1.4.3'
{%- endif %}

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