Python is a programming language that lets you work more quickly and integrate your systems more effectively.
Python2 is deprecated since December 31, 2019.
Change enable
from False
to True
in the python2
section (cf module installation ).
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
For more details read the official documentation .
No requirements.
Additionnal informations
Please read the environment documentation .
By default, the Python extension looks for and loads a file named .env
in the current workspace folder, then applies those definitions. The file is identified by the default entry "python.envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env
And you can also interact with your environment with the VSCode settings .vscode/settings.json
: Absolute path to a file containing environment variable definitions
: Path to the folder with a list of Virtual Environments
: Folders in your home directory to look into for virtual environments (supports pyenv, direnv and virtualenvwrapper by default)
And also use environment variable (you can set these variables directly in your python.envFile
: used by virtualenvwrapper
and pipenv
: specifies additional locations where the Python interpreter should look for modules
If you want to test directly your virtualenv
without configuring your settings:
Copy cd <path_to_your_project>
. <installation_directory>\tools\env.ps1
VSCode-Anywhere .
After that, you must select a Python interpreter. Press F1 and type:
Copy > Python Select Interpreter
And select the right interpreter (virtualenv) from the list provided.
If you want to test directly your pipenv
without configuring your settings:
Copy cd <path_to_your_project>
. C:\VSCode-Anywhere\tools\env.ps1
pipenv shell
VSCode-Anywhere .
After that, you must select a Python interpreter. Press F1 and type:
Copy > Python Select Interpreter
And select the right interpreter from the list provided.
If you want to test directly your poetry
without configuring your settings:
Copy cd <path_to_your_project>
. C:\VSCode-Anywhere\tools\env.ps1
poetry shell
VSCode-Anywhere .
After that, you must select a Python interpreter. Press F1 and type:
Copy > Python Select Interpreter
And select the right interpreter from the list provided.
Please read the specific settings at the bottom of the page.
VSCode extensions
This extension provides a rich support for the Python language (for all actively supported versions of the language: 2.7, >=3.5), including features such as IntelliSense, linting, debugging, code navigation, code formatting, Jupyter notebook support, refactoring, variable explorer, test explorer, snippets, and more!
This extension provides AI-assisted development features for Python.
With the windows_portable
profile this extension will not be installed.
Pylance is an extension that works alongside Python in Visual Studio Code to provide performant language support. Under the hood, Pylance is powered by Pyright , Microsoft's static type checking tool. Using Pyright, Pylance has the ability to supercharge your Python IntelliSense experience with rich type information, helping you write better code faster.
This extension corrects Python indentation in Visual Studio Code.
This extension allows you to run your Python Unittest or Pytest .
VSCode-Anywhere installs python modules nose
, pytest
and configurepytest
to the default test adapter. unittest
is a builtin python module.
VSCode settings
Global settings
Copy {
"python.analysis.typeCheckingMode" : "basic" ,
"python.languageServer" : "Pylance" ,
"python.testing.pytestEnabled" : True ,
"code-runner.executorMap.python" : "$pythonPath -u $fullFileName" ,
"python.linting.pylintEnabled" : False ,
"python.linting.flake8Enabled" : True ,
"python.linting.enabled" : True ,
"python.autoComplete.addBrackets" : True ,
"python.formatting.provider" : "autopep8" ,
"dash.languageIdToDocsetMap.python" : [
"django" ,
"twisted" ,
"sphinx" ,
"flask" ,
"tornado" ,
"sqlalchemy" ,
"numpy" ,
"scipy" ,
"salt" ,
"pandas" ,
"matplotlib" ,
Windows settings
Copy {
"python.workspaceSymbols.ctagsPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\ctags\\current\\ctags.exe"
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy {
"python.condaPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\conda.exe" ,
"python.pythonPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\python.exe" ,
"python.formatting.autopep8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\autopep8.exe" ,
"python.poetryPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\poetry.exe" ,
"python.linting.flake8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\flake8.exe" ,
"python.testing.nosetestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\nosetests.exe" ,
"python.testing.pytestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\pytest.exe" ,
"python.pipenvPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\anaconda2\\current\\Scripts\\pipenv.exe"
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
If anaconda
is set to False
Copy {
"python.pythonPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\python.exe" ,,
"python.formatting.autopep8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\autopep8.exe" ,
"python.poetryPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\poetry.exe" ,
"python.linting.flake8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\flake8.exe" ,
"python.testing.nosetestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\nosetests.exe" ,
"python.testing.pytestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\pytest.exe" ,
"python.pipenvPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\python27\\current\\Scripts\\pipenv.exe"
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
If profile is set to windows_portable
Copy {
"python.languageServer" : "Jedi" ,
"python.pythonPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\python2" ,
"python.formatting.autopep8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\autopep8" ,
"python.poetryPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\poetry" ,
"python.pipenvPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\pipenv" ,
"python.linting.flake8Path" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\flake8" ,
"python.testing.nosetestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\nose" ,
"python.testing.pytestPath" : "C:\\VSCode-Anywhere\\apps\\scoop\\apps\\msys2\\current\\usr\\bin\\pytest"
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
Linux Settings
Copy {
"python.workspaceSymbols.ctagsPath" : "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/ctags"
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy {
'pythonPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/python2' ,
'autopep8Path' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/autopep8' ,
'poetryPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/poetry' ,
'flake8Path' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/flake8' ,
'nosetestPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/nosetests' ,
'pytestPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/pytest' ,
'pipenvPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/pipenv' ,
'python.condaPath' : '/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/conda'
If anaconda
is set to False
Copy {
'pythonPath' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/python2' ,
'autopep8Path' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/autopep8' ,
'poetryPath' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/poetry' ,
'flake8Path' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/flake8' ,
'nosetestPath' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/nosetests' ,
'pytestPath' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.local/bin/pytest' ,
'pipenvPath' : '/home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.local/bin/pipenv'
Assuming you have installed in the directory /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere
VSCode keybindings
No keybindings .
Windows software
anaconda2 (will be installed if anaconda
is set to true
The following packages will be installed only if the profile is set to windows_portable
profile :
Linux software
anaconda2 (custom brew formulae only if anaconda
is set to True
Windows environment
Copy PATH : C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\scoop\apps\python27\current\Scripts
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy PATH : C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\scoop\apps\python27\current\Scripts;C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\anaconda2\current:C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\anaconda2\current\Library\mingw-64\bin:C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\anaconda2\current\Library\usr\bin::C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\anaconda2\current\Library\bin::C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\anaconda2\current\Library\Scripts
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
Linux environment
Copy PATH : /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.local/bin
Assuming you have installed in the directory /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy PATH : /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.local/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin
Assuming you have installed in the directory /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere
Specific settings
Allow to install anaconda :
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
enaconda : True
Please read:
This is a recommended method for the data sciences and with the use of Jupyter .
Update all anaconda modules:
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
enaconda : True
enaconda_update : True
Requires that anaconda
be set to True
Allow installing packages with pip .
: name of the packages to install
: True
to enable
, False
to skip (default to False
: the version of the pip package
is not mandatory but allows to pass additional arguments.
Extra args can be arguments described in the Saltstack pip states or can be global Saltstack arguments .
Global opts
packages settings:
: allow passing arguments to all pip packages when installing , updating , or uninstalling a package
: allow passing arguments to all pip packages when installing a package (cf states.pip.installed )
: allow passing arguments to all pip packages when updating a package (cf states.pip.installed )
: allow passing arguments to all pip packages when uninstalling a package (cf states.pip.removed )
Specific opts
packages settings:
: allow passing arguments to <mypkg>
pip package when installing , updating , or uninstalling the package
: allow passing arguments to <mypkg>
pip packages when installing the package (cf states.pip.installed )
: allow passing arguments to <mypkg>
pip packages when updating the package (cf states.pip.installed )
: allow passing arguments to all pip packages when uninstalling a package (cf states.pip.removed )
Replace <mypkg>
by the name of the package to install.
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
install :
upgrade : False
update :
upgrade : True
uninstall : {}
pkgs :
rope :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
flake8 :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
autopep8 :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
ptvsd :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
nose :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
pytest :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
pytest-xdist :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
poetry :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
pipenv :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
global :
bin_env : C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\scoop\apps\python27\current\Scripts\pip.exe
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
If anaconda
is set to False
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
global :
bin_env : C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\scoop\apps\anaconda2\current\Scripts\pip.exe
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
If the profile is set to windows_portable
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
global :
bin_env : C:\VSCode-Anywhere\apps\msys2\current\usr\bin\pip2
Assuming you have installed in the default directory C:\VSCode-Anywhere
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
pkgs :
setuptools :
enabled : True
version : null
opts :
install : {}
update : {}
uninstall : {}
rope :
enabled : False
flake8 :
enabled : False
autopep8 :
enabled : False
nose :
enabled : False
peotry :
enabled : False
If anaconda
is set to True
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
global :
bin_env : /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere/apps/vscode-anywhere/home/.nix-profile/bin/pip2
env_vars :
Assuming you have installed in the directory /home/myuser/VSCode-Anywhere
If anaconda
is set to False
Copy vscode-anywhere :
python2 :
enabled : True
pip :
opts :
global :
bin_env : /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/opt/anaconda2/bin/pip