Windows installation


VSCode-Anywhere has been tested only with Windows 10 but it supposed to work also with the recent Windows version.

To install VSCode-Anywhere on Windows, you need have to have PowerShell installed.

Installation example:

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile $env:TMP\VSCode-Anywhere.ps1; & $env:TMP\VSCode-Anywhere.ps1 -InstallDir <InstallDir> -Profile windows_user


Installation options are:

  • Gitenv (optional): git branch to use for installation (V2 by default)

  • InstallDir (optional): installation directory (C:\VSCode-Anywhere by default)

  • SaltVersion (optional): Saltstack version to use (value evolves with time). It is not recommended to change this value (only for testing purposes for developers).

  • Profile (optional): type of installation profile (windows_user by default)

  • saltopts (optional): Salt options


There are 3 kinds of profile (see Profile option) for different use cases :

  • windows_admin: require administrator rights (for local use)

  • windows_user: no administrator rights required (for local use)

  • windows_portable: no administrator rights required (for use with a portable device like an USB stick)





  • Few modules need administrator rights for better compatibility (see the documentation of each module)

  • Good performance

  • Some applications will be installed on the system (outside the installation folder InstallDir)

  • Not recommended to run on another computer with a portable device like a USB stick (tools/link.ps1 may have a high chance to install some missing components)

  • Add only a few possibilities, just some modules uses it (see the module documentation for know if it is a requirement)


  • No administrator rights needed for the installation process and modules

  • Good performance

  • Not recommended to run on another computer with a portable device like a USB stick (tools/link.ps1 may have a low chance to install some missing components)


  • Can be installed on a portable device like a USB stick

  • Could have performance issue and more possibility to encounter bugs

Last updated