Linux requirements


To install VSCode-Anywhere on Linux, you must have installed the mandatory packages: bash, coreutils and curl installed.

The packages bash, tar and coreutils are installed by default on most Linux distributions.

The following commands are used in the installation process and are part of the previous required packages:

$ command -v bash
$ command -v tar
$ command -v curl
$ command -v realpath
$ command -v cut
$ command -v readlink
$ command -v test
$ command -v mkdir
$ command -v chmod
$ command -v id
$ command -v rm
$ command -v echo

realpath, cut, readlink, test, mkdir, chmod, id, rm and echo are part of the coreutils package.

If you have an unprivileged account and the curl binary is not installed on your system, you can download the static curl binary.

After that, you must rename curl-linux-x86_64 to curl and put it in your PATH.

Example after downloading the curl binary with your favorite browser:

chmod +x ~/Download/curl-linux-x86_64
mkdir ~/bin
mv ~/Download/curl-linux-x86_64 ~/bin
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
curl -Lk > ~/cacert.pem
export SSL_CERT_FILE=~/cacert.pem
bash <(curl -sL

Assuming that ~/download is where the file was downloaded.


If you install VSCode-Anywhere with the linux_user profile (by default), you must have a kernel that supports the user namespaces (3.8 minimal).

If the unshare binary is installed on your system, you can test with:

$ unshare --user --pid echo YES

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